Take a Picture of the Moon |
Here is some advice on how you can shoot the Moon with your digital camera, without any specialized equipment; I am also showing a number of examples using various Olympus cameras in my collection. The first example is a casual snapshot of the Moon, shot on February 15, 2009, 2:50 AM, from my patio near Annapolis, MD.
I used the Olympus E-30 SLR with the 70-300 mm F/4.0-5.6 ZD zoom at 300 mm. Manual exposure: 1/1000 s at F/8, ISO 800. Shot from hand, with a fence as support, camera's image stabilization active.
| Postprocessing in Corel Photo-Paint: noise cleanup with Neat Image plugin, contrast adjustment, sharpening. (There is no visible chromatic aberration at disk edges: the lens performs nicely here.) I chose ISO 800, because I needed a fast shutter speed for a handheld shot. With a tripod, I would set ISO 100 or 200, closing the aperture down to F/11. At this focal length the Moon disk fills 21% of the frame height; the sample at the right was reduced to 69% of the full pixel scale. Click on the image to see a 1024×768 fragment without resizing.
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| Another example using the same lens on a different camera; this time a full frontal (almost). Pictures of full Moon are less dramatic, as the light is flat, not showing the crater detail, so nicely visible in the previous example near the terminator.
This was shot with the Olympus E-510 (same lens, also at 300 mm). Manual exposure: 1/250 s at F/8, ISO 200, medium-weight tripod. Postprocessing as above.
| The brightness of the disk in a matter of an aesthetic choice. In this picture I decided to keep it higher than in the previous one. The E-510 has a ten-megapixel sensor; 20% less than the E-30 used above, which translates into the Moon diameter being 10% smaller (measured in pixels). This is one of the applications where a higher pixel count really helps (assuming the lens is good enough to use it). The image at right was reduced to 76% of the full pixel scale; see also the XGA-sized, 1:1 fragment.
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| Now an example of a budget solution (not that the previous one required any expensive gear). Here is a picture taken with an Olympus E-300 equipped with an inexpensive Sigma 55-200 mm DC zoom lens and the Olympus TCON-17 attachment on top of it.
The combined focal length is 340 mm (equivalent to 680 mm on a 35-mm film camera), as described in my Not-So-Big Mama article.
| The manual exposure was computed using the "sunny 16" rule: 1/100s at F/16 and ISO 100, which turned out to be a bit too low (stretched in postprocessing). Focusing was manual, a tripod was used with a four-second mirror lock. This image was been reduced to 73% of the full pixel size. In the whole image, the Moon covers about 23% of the frame vertically. The picture has been submitted to some postprocessing: tonal equalization and sharpening. An XGA-sized crop of the full-size image can be found here.
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| As you will see, with some ingenuity (and heavy glass) you can do better than this; two such examples are included further down in the article. |
Camera and lens Almost any camera, digital or not, can be used — under one condition: it has to have (or be able to use) a lens of a focal length large enough to provide sufficient magnification. What "long enough" means here depends on what size of the Moon will you find acceptable in your picture. For digital camera lenses we often use the so-called "equivalent" focal length (EFL), denoting the focal length (mm) of a 35-mm film camera lens which has the same angle of view. So, for example, the Olympus C-5060WZ and C-7070WZ of cameras use a 5.7-22.9 mm zoom lens termed as 27-110 mm EFL. This means that the lens gives the same range of angles as a 27-110 mm lens on a 35-mm film camera. For many non-SLR digital cameras the focal length multiplier is 4 to 5; for most ones using the APS-C format — close to 1.6, and for the Four Thirds (Micro or not) — 2. Obviously, for the so-called "full frame" cameras the multiplier is 1 (i.e., not needed). Multiply the "equivalent" focal length (mm) by 0.0352, or, roughly, divide it by 30, and you will see how much (in percent) of your frame will the Moon fill vertically. Here are some examples for the more common focal lengths. |
EFL, mm | 100 | 140 | 200 | 300 | 400 | 600 | 1000 |
Vertical frame fill, % | 3.5 | 4.9 | 7.0 | 10.6 | 14.1 | 21.1 | 35.2 |
Note: these are values for cameras with a 4:3 image aspect ratio; for those with a 3;2 aspect (35-mm film, most digital SLRs) the values are higher by a factor of about 8%; the coefficient value is 0.0381. The computations behind the 0.0352 coefficient are given in the Appendix. Obviously, size matters. While 200 mm seems to be a reasonable minimum, the bigger the better. A few digital cameras have really long zooms (some models from Sony and Olympus go up to 400 mm equivalent), sometimes even with image stabilization to avoid handheld camera shake — these can be used to shoot Moon pictures right out of the box. With a film camera, or a digital SLR, you may use a teleconverter to get a 2× gain in the focal length. For non-SLR digital cameras you may be able to find a telephoto lens attachment providing such a gain, provided your camera accepts such attachments (many do). Of course, most of digital SLRs allow you to use any long lens you can fit on them, whether made for a digital model or not. <=p> Because, even with a long lens, the Moon fills just a fraction of the frame, you will usually want to crop the picture significantly. This works better if you have lots of pixels to start with. A twenty-megapixel camera will make it easier than a five-megapixel one. The lens, however, has to be good enough to fill these pixels with detail. Some "superzoom" cameras boast high pixel counts (above 20 MP), but their integrated lenses may have quite low resolution, especially at the long end. This will result in smooth (no pixelization) but fuzzy cropped images. Using legacy lenses on digital SLRs If your digital camera accepts legacy lenses (i.e., ones originally designed for film SLRs), these can be put to a very good use. Because the digital sensor is smaller than a film frame, the equivalent focal length (EFL) will be greater than the actual one. This is especially significant for the Olympus Four Thirds SLRs (the E-System) where the equivalence ratio is 2× for most other models the multiplier is 1.5× or 1.6×. Here is a most impressive example, taken by Morten Øen from Norway with use of the Olympus E-300 digital SLR, equipped with a classic 800 mm, F/8 Konica Hexanon lens: hand-made, 2-element construction (quite rare!). (The lens had to be slightly modified to be mounted on the camera; Morten says this is a five-minute procedure.) |
Manual exposure was 1/60 s at F/22, ISO 100, auto white balance. Taken fifteen minutes after midnight on August 24, 2005, in Kristiansand, southern tip of Norway (58°N). The Moon was about 50 degrees above the horizon. At the 1600 mm EFL the Moon should fill about 52% of the vertical frame dimension; my measurements show 56%; quite close, but outside of the error margin. It looks like the Hexanon is slightly longer than the claimed 800 mm. The shown image has been tonally adjusted (just a tad!), cropped, reduced in size, and re-sharpened. For those who would like to have a look, here is a full-size, unmanipulated original (converted from raw ORF format to JPEG). |
![]() Image © 2005 by Morten Øen |
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The classic piece of glass is performing very nicely; there is some of chromatic aberration at the top-left edge of the disk (visible in the original as a cyan fringe at the left edge of the disk), but not much, easy to desaturate in postprocessing. This is common at these focal lengths.
At the left is a 1:1 pixel sample from Morten's shot. I would say the lens makes use of the 8 MP sensor in the E-300. An XGA version (cropped, reduced, re-equalized) of the same picture also shows how the chromatic aberration effect was fixed by desaturating the cyan component of the disk fringe. |
Exposure There are two simple rules to be applied here.
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The picture is, I think, awesome, and has been made without use of scope adapter, even without a camera tripod (the scope itself was tripod-mounted, of course) — just a point-and-shoot, albeit a smart one.
The tiny, three-megapixel camera did a very respectable job; a native-resolution, full pixel size fragment of the frame is shown at the left. There was no need for much postprocessing, except for some equalization, adjusting the tonal curve for lower gamma, and some sharpening. (The original was shot at contrast and sharpness at lowest levels, to allow for more latitude in postprocessing.) |
This clearly demonstrates how much you gain by using a telescope, even a relatively simple one. If you have an old Meade or Celestron gathering dust, get it out and start playing.
The Moon phase — why it matters? A "full frontal", i.e. the shot of full Moon, shows us the whole visible side, but the light is least pleasing. At full Moon, the Sun is almost directly behind the camera (read: Earth), and this leads to uninspiring images; the Moon surface is rather flat and the detail weakly accentuated. Wait until the Moon face is only partially lit. Yes, you lose some of the visible real estate, but the terrain is made more three-dimensional because the light direction is now different than that of the lens axis. You can see the difference in the pictures shown here. But why? A good question. We have just one Moon, and it looks always mostly the same. Your pictures will be very much like mine, or anyone else's. If, however, you enjoy photography as much as I do, you will not need a rational answer. To quote George Mallory: "Because it's there". For fun, and for bragging rights. More resources Search the Web and you will certainly find something of interest. Here are two references to sources I found both educational and entertaining, and more than worth a prolonged visit.
An earlier version of this article has been included, with permission, as a chapter in Digital Photography Hacks by Derrick Story, published by O'Reilly in 2004. The copy editors, however, botched the job, removing the capitalization from names of celestial bodies. Our school system, again.
Recommendations of third-party vendors of lens attachments were also added in the printed version by the book editor, not by me. |
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Posted 2001/11/09; last updated 2018/02/14 | Copyright © 2001-2018 by J. Andrzej Wrotniak. |